Current Issue : January - March Volume : 2021 Issue Number : 1 Articles : 5 Articles
Video surveillance is an effective way to record current events. In view of the difficulty of efficient transmission of massive\nsurveillance video and the risk of leakage in the transmission process, a new data encryption and fast transmission algorithm is\nproposed in this paper. From the perspective of events, the constraints of time and space dimension is broken. First, a\nbackground and moving object extraction model is built based on video composition. Then, a strong correlation data encryption\nand fast transmission model is constructed to achieve efficient data compression. Finally, a data mapping mechanism is\nestablished to realize the decoding of surveillance video. Our experimental results show that the compression ratio of the\nproposed algorithm is more than 60% under the premise of image confidentiality....
Scalable Video Coding (SVC) is a powerful solution to video application over heterogeneous networks and diversified end users.\nIn the recent years, works mostly concentrate on transported layers or path for a single layer in the Software-Defined Network\n(SDN). This paper proposes the Novel Hybrid Optimization Algorithm for Scalable Video Coding (NHO-SVC) based on Genetic\nAlgorithm to select the layer and path simultaneously. The algorithm uses the 0/1 knapsack programming model to set up the\nmodel, predicts the network states by the Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average Model (ARIMA), and then, makes decision\nbased on Genetic Algorithm....
Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) antenna scheme is an effective technique for future terrestrial broadcasting systems such\nas digital video broadcasting-next-generation handheld (DVB-NGH) to overcome the limits on information theory of traditional\nsingle-antenna wireless communications without any additional bandwidth or increased transmit power. In this paper, we propose\na hybrid beamforming scheme for dual-polarized MIMO spatial multiplexing DVB-NGH broadcasting systems. The system of\ninterest makes use of phase shifters and amplitude attenuators for the digital-analog precoder at beamforming stage of the\ntransmitter end to maximize the signal-to-noise ratio to increase the channel capacity of the DVB-NGH systems. At the receiver\nend, the maximum likelihood (ML) detector is used to evaluate the system performance. We consider the signal-to-interferenceand-\nnoise ratio (SINR) and the achievable average capacity for the DVB-NGH MIMO with various FFT sizes, number of\ntransmit antennas, and different modulation schemes. The performance results on bit error rate, channel capacity, and\nbeampatterns show that the proposed hybrid beamforming and dual-polarized MIMO spatial multiplexing schemes provide\nmore robustness against signal interference by beamforming and/or nulling techniques. The simulation results also show that\nthe proposed system achieves higher capacity than the existing MIMO schemes for the DVB-NGH systems....
V Live is a live-streaming service made by South Korean IT company in August 2015.\nThe service provides diverse video contents specific to entertainment content. Most of V Live users\nare K-pop fans, and they actively express emotions on V Live content by writing comments, pressing\nâ??heartsâ?, and sharing video content. Based on Uses and Gratifications theory, this study investigated\nwhy people use live streaming service, and the factors influencing usersâ?? viewing behavior in live\nstreaming. We conducted an in-depth interview with V Live users. Based on the results of the\ninterview, an online survey was conducted. As a result, six factorsâ??â??Interpersonal relationship\nmotivationâ?, â??Social presence motivationâ?, â??Celebrity support motivationâ?, â??Celebrity presence\nmotivationâ?, â??Social interaction motivationâ?, and â??Differentiation motivationâ?â??were derived as\nmotivations to use V Live. While â??Social presence motivationâ? and â??Differentiation motivationâ?\namong V Live use motivations that have been shown to mediate the relationship between fansâ??\nfanship and V Live viewing time, all motivations using V Live have been shown to mediate the\nrelationship between fansâ?? fanship and V Live viewing participation....
A particularly striking new phenomenon in recent years is the live streaming of video\ngames through popular platforms, such as Twitch. This study focuses on the motivations and types of\nuse underlying viewer participation in live streaming platforms. Based on the uses and gratifications\ntheory, this paper aims to analyse how three basic motivations are related to the use of video game\nstreaming platforms. Furthermore, it examines the moderating effects that significant variables, such\nas the audience memberâ??s age, sex or self-perception of level as a player may exert on this relationship.\nThe results reveal that the three types of motivations are positively associated with use of the platform,\nalthough notable differences appear, with informational motivations outweighing entertainment and\nsocial motivations. At the same time, no moderating effects on the results of the proposed model were\nfound for the heterogeneity stemming from sex and age. Conversely, the influence of informational\nmotivations on the use of these platforms is moderated by the self-perception of level as a player....